Internet made easy

Supporting Our Customers

Frequently Asked Questions for

Our Customer Service and Technical Support teams have compiled a list of the most common queries and questions they have answered to help you receive a great, trouble-free Internet connection. We are confident that most of your queries would have been covered here so please try to find the solution to your problem by browsing our frequently asked questions before contacting either our Customer Services or Technical Support teams, it could save you both time and money.

General         Broadband        Pay As You Go

Q. Where can I find help when I need it on Fast4?
A. For any problems you have please contact our team by accessing the Contact Us system through your My Account area or you can email us directly using If choosing to email us then please ensure that you include your account details so that we can locate your account without delay.
Q. Can I use my existing email with a Fast4 connection?
A. You may use Outlook Express or any other mail program to retrieve your existing emails through Fast4, assuming that your current Internet Service Provider will allow you to keep your email account open. However, some ISP's will only allow you to retrieve mails from their accounts using their own dial-up
Q. What can I do if I cant get to a specific website?
A. Probable causes: The web server address you entered may be incorrect. The server on which the web page is located may be shut down or busy. The web page may no longer exist.

Solution: If you typed the web address, make sure it exactly matches the web address that you were given, including spelling, punctuation and capitalization. If you are following a link or connecting to a page from your "Favourites" list, the problem is probably with the web page itself, not your connection to the Internet. You can try to click the refresh button to refresh the page.

If the computer that stores the web page (the server) was shut down or too busy to handle your first request, it may be able to display the page later.

Check to see if the web page has moved. In some cases, you will be given a "forwarding address", or automatically taken to the new page after a brief wait.
Q. What is the Fast4 News Server address?
A. Fast4 do not operate a news (NNTP) server.
Q. How do I access the My Account area so that I can manage my account with you?
A. In order to access your My Account area please use visit It may be worth copying this address into your favourites so it is easily accessible.
Q. Can I access my emails through the web?
A. Yes. We have an extensive online Webmail facility. To access your email online please visit
Q. Can I pay by Direct Debit?
A. No. We currently only collect payment by Debit or Credit card. We are planning to offer Direct Debit in the future and will notify all customers when it becomes available.